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Lead Developer Full-time

de E-goi Plataforma de Marketing Multicanal Lisboa em Lisboa (Publicado em 05-02-2021)

Lead Developer

Focused on team performance enabling great UX and consistent development processes, we are looking for a full-stack developer who can assume the technical coordination and mentoring of a small development team inside a product team.

- The main goal is to assume a mixed role being part of a development team but with extra responsibilities mentoring a product team.

- You will need to be able to build and design large scale applications for our platform (to support millions of requests every hour and provide real time information analysis) and provide technical orientation and mentoring to the other team members.

- You will be an active voice on all technical decisions and ensure the technical quality of the work developed by the team (this includes completing code reviews with other developers within the team).

- You will work close with your Product manager helping him define the best roadmap for the product.

- Knowledge of PHP Frameworks, such as ZF and laminas
- Fluent in JavaScript and UI Frameworks and libraries such as React, Angular 10 and jQuery
- Experience in building single page applications
- Interacting with REST APIs and understanding webservices architecture and patterns
- Good understanding of CSS preprocessors, such as LESS or SASS
- Experience with Bootstrap, Foundation or Material Design
- Complete Knowledge of SQL such as MySQL, PostgreSQL or MariaDB
- Experience with Git and Git repository services like Github, Bitbucket, or Gitlab
- Experience with Packaging/build tools (e.g. Yarn, NPM, Webpack, Composer, etc) Experience with CI/CD like Jenkins, Travis CI, CircleCI, etc

Nice to Have

- Experience with high-performance search engines (eg. Elasticsearch, Solr)
- Experience with distributed cache engines (eg. Redis, Memcached)
- Experience with queuing engines (eg. ActiveMq, RabbitMQ)
- Experience in Apache & Nginx configuration
- Experience with NoSQL databases such as MongoDB
- Experience with other languages like Java or Python
- Experience with mentoring roles such as Lead developer, Team leader, etc.

- Salary range: Between 15K to 44K per year, based on experience
- Quarterly performance reviews for rapid career progression
- 1200? yearly training budget
- Yearly performance-based bonuses
- Mobile allowance
- Healthcare insurance plan
- Free Day - Birthday
- Great work environment
- Homemade meals every day: say goodbye to the microwave!

Data de início prevista: 01/04/2021

Tipo de oferta: Full-time, Efetivo/CLT

Salário: 25.000,00? - 44.000,00? por ano


  • Cartão/Ticket refeição
  • Horário flexível
  • Seguro saúde
  • Telemóvel da empresa
  • Trabalho remoto

Horário de trabalho:

  • De segunda à sexta-feira
  • Horário flexível
  • Turno de 8 horas

Remuneração suplementar:

  • Bónus anual
  • Décimo terceiro salário
  • Subsídio de Natal


  • desenvolvimento de produto: 2 anos (Preferencial)

Precaução ou precauções relacionadas com a COVID-19:

  • Processo de entrevista remoto
  • Equipamento de proteção individual fornecido ou exigido
  • Protetor facial nos locais de trabalho
  • Medições de temperatura
  • Diretrizes de distanciamento social aplicadas
  • Reuniões virtuais
  • Procedimentos de higienização, desinfeção ou limpeza aplicados

Visto: 1986 vezes
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